MP3 Editor Symbian
With Ringtone Editor, you can edit and customize your favorite song via phone and make it your personalized ring tone !
Player Mode: Press direction keys to change to "Track list mode" and "Control mode". Track List Mode: Current track list is displayed in the upper part of the screen. Press left and right to adjust volume, up and down to select song. When a song is selected, press direction key to play (if not playing) or switch to Control mode. Control Mode: Control panel is displayed in the lower part of the screen. Press up/down to play (pause)/stop a song. Press left/right to rewind/forward. Press "edit" to add the selected song and switch to Editor mode. Other options: To manage the track list, press Options > File to add, remove or clear the list. To arrange the playback order, press Option > Ordering. To load, save or import other track list into current one, press Options > Track list (Track list must be in M3U format). To change the play mode: Single, continuous or random, press Options > play mode. To change the appearance, press Options > theme. To turn the backlight always on, press Options> back light.
Supported phone: Nokia 3230, 6670, 6260, 6630, 7610, n70, 6600 with codec
MP3 Editor
I like your blog and the article。數位科技生活豐富化^^
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