Philips Camcoder PRO for Nokia

Philips Camcoder PRO for Nokia 3660 7650

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The Philips LifeVibes Camcoder PRO is a high quality audio video encoder and player for the Nokia 7650 mobile handset. It provides real-time audio video grabbing and encoding in the MPEG-4/H263 video format as specified by the 3GPP standard. Its PRO mode allows to produce top quality video clips of virtually unlimited duration.

It is fully integrated into phone application environments such as MMS, BT, IR and e-mail to transfer recorded video clips to other 3GPP video player compliant phones and PCs. The Philips Camcoder also features audio editing to add personal impressions to recorded video clips.

Hours of videos can be stored in the handset and transferred to PCs to be played back without any additional converter: enjoy recorded videos on all 3GPP compliant players such as but not limited to Philips Platform4 PC Player, Apple Quicktime 6.5 and other 3GPP video player compliant phones.

General Features

Captured audio video clips can be saved as 3GPP (.3gp) files in phone memory or Memory Stick
Simultaneous audio video recording
Output file size is compatible with MMSC : 50, 75, 100, 150 kB
Unlimited file size mode

Start, Pause, Resume, Stop commands while capturing
3 audio grabbing modes:
- Simultaneous audio and video grabbing
- Audio dubbing
- Audio track replacement

Play back
Playback of 3GPP files attached to MMS and e-mail or downloaded from a WAP page

Full screen mode
Audio video lip synch
Video album with thumbnails supporting functionality such as Play, Rename, Copy, Delete, Copy to/from MMC, Clip details, Send as -
Captured 3GP files can be attached to MMS and e-mail or sent via IR or Bluetooth


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